
Every Koala Mattress lends a helping hand to koalas in need

With each purchase of a Koala Mattress, precious support is given to the Ipswich Koala Protection Society, an organisation that rescues and rehabilitates koalas.

DIY Christmas Craft with Koala

Tis’ the season for DIY Christmas craft! Looking for some last-minute Christmas decorating inspiration? Bring the festive spirit to your home while…

How to style with indoor plants

Seriously, never too much: how to style with indoor plants  Plants have a magical way of transforming any space. Indoors,…

Ways to care for your health when you WFH

Whether you’re a seasoned WFH worker or have become one, transitioning can be challenging and overwhelming, especially when it comes…

Is it good to take a nap in the afternoon?

We all get those days where we’re counting down the hours until our cheeky afternoon sleep. Really – you’re not…

Does sleeping naked increase testosterone?

Here is a piece of bad news: the amount of testosterone in our bodies drops significantly as we get older….

Why does the brain need sleep?

So, why does the brain need sleep? Hopefully, everyone understands that sleep is essential for our bodies. Chronic sleep deprivation…

How to sleep during menopause

Hot flashes and chills. Night sweats and weight gain. Mood swings and dry skin. These are just some of the…

Sleeping with eyes open: what is nocturnal lagophthalmos?

Have you ever entered your bedroom late at night and started talking to your partner who was chilling out on…